Saturday, January 2, 2010

Review of Avatar (2009)

Avatar (2009)

So, I saw the trailer for Avatar and from what I saw it didn't really look like it would be the type of movie that I'm into but a few friends were going so I figured I might as well go check it out.

From the first scene it's pretty obvious what type of movie it's gonna be. The story was far from original (it was basically Dances with Wolves with aliens) and the characters were basically one dimensional. Anyway, that's pretty much what I was expecting so I wasn't disappointed. The obvious reason to go see Avatar is it's special effects which are definitely fantastic. James Cameron was able to create a whole new world with CGI which is definitely interesting to see but also (for me at least) detracted from the overall film. I couldn't take any of the dramatic moments between the aliens seriously because I just couldn't get it out of my head how they're just computer generated images.

Overall, I'd say Avatar is just another example of an all flash no substance Hollywood movie. If you have any interest at all in seeing it, go to the theaters because the experience will be ruined at home.


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